I can't believe that but the fullmoon seriously seems to affect me. I didn't sleep that good so I tried to stay in my bed as long as possible. But when I heard the cleaning lady around 9, I got up. I had breakfast, a shower and cut and glued recepies into my recepie book.
For lunch I ,ade just rests and stuff I found in the freezer cause Céline wanted me to empty it a bit. So the menu was tomates farcies and pasta grating with cheese. The girls liked it but they didn't want to have tomatoes, only pasta and a bit meat. What's the problem usually that children don't like vegetables?
Later the girls helped me to decorate my room. We put some posters and children's paintings on my walls. It got very cozy!

The girls amused themselves by jumping on my bed and Clé wanted to try one of my dresses.

In the afternoon I kept on woth my recepies and checked up some information and sights in Luxembourg for the weekend. Then I had a very nice skype with Äiti. It was like our usual chilled out discussions after work and school before. She was there calm drinking her coffee and doing something while talking.
We talked a lot about school atvthe goûter and the girls loved to hear funny stories about my school memories. I cooked this evening cause Céline and Anthony had Alices class reunion and came home later. Céline told me to use some kind of pork from the freezer and then I just improvised the rest. I was pretty proud of the result myself cause I'm not an expert preparing meat.
The parents came home after eight. I helped to put the children to bed and then I skyped with Enja. We hadn't heard for superlong and we talked for incredible 2h 30min. I staid up really late just talking, chatting, surfing, writing and listening to music. Then I got such an appetite for chocolate and enjoyed a delicious whole chocolate tablet (235g) of fazers blueberry & yoghurtcrisps in milk chocolate.
I don't think it was smart of me to stay awake that long but I didn't feel sleepy at all and I just enjoyed the calmness.
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