torsdag 26 mars 2015

26.3. - The last month begins

During the whole morning I wasn't doing anything special, just writing, chatting, finishing to glue some recepies in my recepie book and then I went out for a short walk before picking up the girls.

The lunchtime was the worst for a long time today. When I took the girls home from school, It was rainig hardly. At home both didn't tidy up their stuff as they're usually supposed to do. I had to comment repeatedly until it got done. For lunch I did wok and the girls came already to drink and have some bread in the kitchen. Chiefly Clé did a huge mess and was complaining all the time and I asked, told and finally shouted her please to leave the kitchen. As answer she just screamed and behaved like the worst teenager. It took some time before I had forced her to calm down in the playing room. It was horrible... And then I had to have a strict discussion to explain her why I did as I did and she admitted that she had behaved very badly and told me she was sorry. Well, then I just finished cooking and the wok succeeded very well. At the table it was Alice's turn to be the one to mess around...

When we went back to school we saw quickly Anthony pass by. During the afternoon I did some excercises for the last part of the DALF on Saturday. I read some documents about the environmental problems, answered some questions about the subject and made a speech of about 15 min according to the information in the documents and my own ideas. I also chatted a bit with my parents and activated on internet some of my new memberships cards.

In the evening Alice was really energetic and kept on messing around and not listening to what I say. During and after the goûter I did the homework with Clé and also some solfège excercises. She did very well. Martin was sitting downstairs watching football on the computer and had his goûter. The girls wanted to do fishes for the first of April. I didn't first get the point with the fishes but according to the kids, it's a custom to stick fishes on people's backs on the first of April. I told the girls that we'll do the fishes after the bath and they took a recordfast bath together. I praised them and we went to craft fishes. I drew with a marker borders and the girls coloured. While they were colouring, Martin and I played ping pong. 

Anthony came home a bit later and I had promised to start cooking dinner. Céline would come home late. Tonight we had salmon and I did some potatoes and carrots in the oven and a salad. Then we also had some rests. It took forever until the girls had finished tidying up in the playing room. Anthony had to tell them repeatedly and it was already late. I helped out to put the girls to bed and then I also started to calm down. I skyped with fammo and faffa for a long time, which was relaxing. Alice came to my room brcause no one had put on the evening story on her stereo. She has been kinder with me lately.

I went to sleep just afte 10 pm but then I started coughing again so I played hay day for a while. Céline came home around half past ten.

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